Friday, August 7, 2009

i love friday....

u noe y i like friday?
coz my dear cum bek...
i miss him so much....

i hope he will hug me every nite when i slip....
u noe mah...
i wish tat ur dream will come true....

sweet sweet sweeet love....
tis week teacher din teach much...coz gt book fair....
actually d teacher is lazy de....xixi~

12.30pm reach home....
took bath...then go had a nap....
2.30pm go church 4 piano practice....
i wan scold cj ler...
everytime i play piano...he 'hit' d drum so hard...
till i cant heard my piano sound...

bt i wan congratulate him coz yesterday gt 2nd in d quiz...
after tuituion...tyan n swan gt eat 'dim sum'....
then go hanging out vf tyan n swan...
swan said she wan go 7-11 2 buy chocolate...

i wait 4 them...waiting,waiting n waiting....
then go bek...on d way i meet callie...
he cum bek 2day...
she works in kelantan....

reach home at 6.30pm...
took my bath then had my dinner...
my grandmom cum 2 my home....
cum 4 holiday....
i like her...

i wan 2 change my hp...
i wan c903....
sony ericson de....
i like it!!!!

dear,can u buy 4 me?
dear,my hp credit 2mr have reach its cant send sms 2 u ler...

2mr is yin birthday....happy birthday...
daddy cum bek 2day....
daddy, i love u...

when star n cloud b 2gether....
i will be cum me n u...

1 comment:

  1. u should tell me ma...
    cuz inside the thing...i also cannot hear anything...cuz haven put head phone...
    sorry ya...
    next time if too loud tell me...
