Friday, July 31, 2009

so confuse...wat should i choose?going?

OMG=o my god...
best frenz again...
my bro go camping 2day...miss him...

learn kara(break it)dance n girl's generation(gee)
9s dance...pretty gals...
like lee hyori 2...her song is so gud...especially her (u go gal) n (toc toc toc)...
min ask me whether gt go 2 camping o nt....
actually i dun 1 go....

i hate stress!!!
b ketua b4....nt felt so gud...
bt if i go...i gt change 2 dance.....
i like presence on d stage....
like 2 b a star...

wat i should do?
wat is d answer tat i should giv him?
wait god giv me d answer....
i should tin 1st...

i gt my idea...
bt i cant tel 1st....sorry....
tis cj meh....
cj....u wan noe tat answer?
wakaka....i dun 1 tel u....
u go 2 find out....

2mr my mum n sis will nt at home....
so i must take care off my house...
leon will go ipoh 2mr...4 d quiz...
wish u gud luck....


2MR IS SATURDAY AGAIN....weekend is coming...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

brave~gal~b prove of urself^^

2day gt my bm n che paper...
nt satisfied....
luckily din fail....
thx god!

2day i scold him...
coz i wan him wake up....
dun b'coz a gal tat...then b'come another person....
wake up!!!!

2day...i'm proud of myself...
y?u noe?
guess wat>...<
i b'come a counselor....

i hope v can b frenz like b4....
can u pls 4give ppl?
pls stop it!
game is over!

i gt some planning.....
i dun 1 tell u ....

when i was taking my nape...
yen call me...
tat crazy gal....
so noisy....i din sleep well tis afternoon....@-@

then go tuition at 5.30pm.... show is last episod....
learn 2 b patient....
learn how 2 spoke well by nt hurting ppl heart....

tis morning....i gt ppl wake me up....
my morning call....
nt my mum....
is my dear....
thx yahx....

2mr our class have 2 take class photo....
i confirm sit in 1st row...
i must b leng leng....
crazy gal....

chat vf dear...
dear cum bek jor....
he din go 2 sku 2mr....coz lazy...
dear....dun b lazy....
must b hardworking....

after msn...
go do revise....
then watch tv....
after tat...go sleep....

c u 2mr...

actually i wish 2 c my dear at sku...
wish he will go....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

cupid jux struck @-@

2day physic paper is so easy....
i can do it...1st time...
yen told me tat her mother said i look like 钟嘉欣==
alr many ppl told me tat i look loke her...yes meh?
i dun tin so ...she is much pretty than me...

2day sick jor...
i bring hp 2 sku...
leon din go 2 sku coz lazy...
actualy i din felt tat d reason he din go 2 sku is lazy...i tin tat he 1 2 study...
leon... dun pretent lah...i noe d....

friendship is gold....
pls dun break it up...
pls....dun b a selfish person....
these word r wrote 2 someone....
if u see tis,pls change ur behaviour....

next month hau will come back fr johor...
yeah yeah yeah...din c him almost 1 month i tin...
2nite gt choir practise....i dun 1 go...coz nt feeling well....
have gud mood 2day......

yesterday nite din have electric current....
i though tat i no nid study....
bt u noe wat?
d current cum bek in 5 minutes!!!

i wan go dating vf u again....can i?
jux kidding...
i wish i can make poison like Hermoine...
she is a intelligent gal....pretty gal....
like her so much...

cj said he din noe how answer d physic paper...yeah!!!
xixi....i'm a bad gal....
cj...dun angry meh...^^
u noe SA stand 4 wat?
is stand 4 {secret admire}...

dream abt u .....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i'm free...last day...

2mr is last day test....
i like Girl's Generation....
fr korea...
their songs is 9s.....
like them....

i listen 2 d< 你是我的宝贝>ler... i like d chorus....
d meaning is so 9s...
dear...if u free oso listen 2<如果我变成回忆>
oso 9s...

my hp no credit ler...
2day have gud mood....

i like Anna Sui cosmetic....
purple in colour....
my dear have his trial on 1st september...
wish everyone pray 4 him...

tis few days nothing special...
jux keep study...
i wan 2 b a music composer...
dear...will u support me?

tis sunday is tyan birthday....
wat i wan to giv her?
so confused.....
2day morning li xiong...invite me 2 play i din go....coz i dun 1.....
actually is lazy....
xiu....dun tel him....

Saturday, July 25, 2009

b tough...STOP CRYING ~GAL

2day....wake up at 9.00am...
last nite 4.00am...oni slip...
then prepare everytin...then go church at 9.45am...
i'm d pianist 2day....

i walk 2 church...tat time d day is still dizzy....
cold....walk in high heels...
my leg's skin peel off...pain...

2day mummy din go to church....
i din noe tat my uncle cum back .....
when pastor anounce my uncle's name...then i oni noe he cum back ler...

reach home at 12.20pm....
2day is a windy day....
last nite chat vf tyan n swan .....
u noe wat v r?
v r N3 ....
u noe y.... coz our name end vf letter N...

i gt exam bm....
jux keep fighting....
i cant fail.....
i dun 1 2 b a failure....
i dun 1 fail in everytin...
who can help me~
i wondering....

yesterday nite watch a gud movie....d title is DARK WATER...
9s....y....y...y...i wan 2 cry again?
stupid gal...dun cry ler....
gal....jux stop it...
everytin is gonna 2 b ok....
i wan 2 hide in a conner then cry...
bt i told myself...i cant cry....i must b tough!

wat i'm 1 2 do tis afternoon?

can i b ur princess?
i wish i am... can?i so desire....
if i had i magic wand..i wish i could let u falls in love in me...常在心
bt i din have it....
ppl is internal....
is tat true?

i said time can prove it...mean....
let time prove it whether v r suitable b couple o jux ordinary frenz...
i wish... i wish....

actually on tat nite i reli happy...
tat nite d moon is so 'bright' din u c it?
常在心will lost her 程量
will i lost u like her?
i dun 1....

i wan 2 tel u...i like u....
2nite drive carefully....dun pass d red trafic again.... rmb....

Friday, July 24, 2009

i duno...sorry....heartche...

feel tat 2day my heart is hurt by someone...
when i wrote tis blog...
i cry....

mayb it is 2 fast....
u r right....

2day sick jor...
2day's had bad mood....
nt happy...

my BIO....
i hate BIO!!!
hate it...
but no matter wat i will finish it...

next mon-wed
is test...
i feel stress...
i cant stop crying....

i felt sorry last nite... fault...
won gt next time...
let it go...time will past...

afterward have admath aunt teach....
i dun 1 mood....
but i won 4get 24/7/09....
1st time...

everytin will b ok....
i hope...

suitable 4 me now...

2nite have 2 play piano at youth...
i tin i cant play well...

i can use 1 word 2 decribe me...
T_T sad....

2nite won b a gud nite...
gal....dun cry...

下雨天了怎么办我好想你 我不敢打给你我找不到原因 为什么失眠的声音变得好熟悉 沉默的场景做你的代替陪我等雨停 期待让人越来越沉溺(疲惫) 谁和我一样等不到他的谁 爱上你我总在学会寂寞的滋味 一个人撑伞一个人擦泪一个人好累 怎样的雨怎样的夜怎样的我能让你更想念 雨要多大天要多黑才能够有你的体贴 其实没有我你分不出哪些差别 结局那还能多明显 别说你会难过别说你想改变 被爱的人不用道歉

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

busy like a bee....don't give up~

2day din go 2 sku....
coz stay at home study....
slip until 10.ooam only wake up....
take breakfast...i dear mummy bought nasi lamak 4 me....yummy....taste so gud!
then do some homework.....
after revision.....

biologi n history....
so hard 2 memorize.....
abt 1.00pm,i stoped revise,otherwise i will crazy....
next,i played piano... i like written by Beethowen...
his music is so is my life!!!!><

take lunch then watch tv....
2day mummy cooked gud....
later...go tuition at 4.oopm
2day my 2 best frenz(tyan,swan)din go tuition.....they leave me alone....i'm so pity....T_T....i sit b'hind...tat heng....his head is so wonder he is so intellingent....
my tuition teacher(addmath)jux came back from england...thx god he din get H1N1....wakaka~
how bad i'm....

2day oso is xue en's birthday...but i din bought present 4 her jux said happy birthday 2 her....
7.30pm go to choir practise....
reach home abt 9.40pm....
take supple....hungry.....mayb jux now use all my energy to sing...haizzzzz~
chat vf leon.....
cj 2day din on9....coz his internet spoil alr....xixi~
haha^^sing song to u.....

post my new blog....
then go slip....

i wan to enter my garden of dream....
sweet dreams~my dear...
hope my dear can see me in his dear give me a gud nite kisss....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

always be happy....CHEAR UP.....girl!!!

u sing <说好的幸福呢>2 me.....nice....nice.....nice....
i receive li xiong sms list nite....he came back from sg......
so long din c him....
MU vs malaysia....
malaysia lose...haiz..... tired.....reach sku.....wan slip....
bt i din slip....coz i'm a gud gal.....
addmath 2 period....haiz.....oso duno wat teacher teach....
oso din copy wat she copy 2 us....

when v 1 had chemistry class....our class had been call 2 have teeth checking....
d nurse said....i had tooth decay.....sad...sad...sad....
later....i do experiment....everytimes our group can't complete our experiment....coz v play oni....
2day....our physic teacher let us watched funny funny.....everytimes when physic
period...i do my homework.....coz i dun understood wat he teach....

2.30pm....go back!!!!!!
u recordment d song <你是我的宝贝>2 it gt any special meaning???
xixi~maybe i think too much....
5.30pm go tuition....fatty teacher gaves us essay to write....
i gt cold pity....@-@

take dinner.....take bath......
then study....coz next monday is monthly test....
must hardworking....cannot be lazy......GAMBATEH!!!!gal....
u have test i dun 1 to disturb u.....

u noe y 2day is my most happiest day????
u guess.....
coz tis morning when i wake up....
u told me U LIKE ME....
i was so happy.....
so i had gud mood 2day.....i din scold ppl....
i won 4get tis day....

rest time......g9......

Monday, July 20, 2009

2nite will be a gud gud nite.......(monday)

i miss you...
i have some fun vf my friends....
sku start....

4get 2 tel u all....
2day...yen told me a story....
the story is wrotten by her....
u noe wat is tat title?

is....<housefly n shit>
so funny...
i gt oral 2day....
i talk abt the author of Harry Potter...
she is J.K.Rowling....
like her books so much....

i had a gud time in sku 2day... i like monday....
yahx....i like it....
reach home at tired....
after lunch then took a nap....
my cousin came 2 my house...coz my aunt had 2 go teaching....
his name is Samuel....

wake up at 5.15pm....
then go execise....
me(yun),yen,tyan,yang, decides 2 record mv...
so funny... how stupid v r...
me n tyan...cycle to tired...
yun wan keep fit....n become slim....

2day oso very unlucky day....
tyan's bicycle...had some problems....
haizzzzzz.......2day v din record mv...coz yang din come...
he plays...the character of the witch...
after tat v companied yen 2 buy dinner.... n tyan... cycle back.....
i oni can use 1 word to decribes us...(TIREd!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
reach home...took dinner then on9....
chat vf leon....

2nite will be a gud gud nite 4 me n u.....
haxe a nice dream....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

the day u giv me d answer......

sometimes i wish i had a magic wand....
so tat i can have more time 2 rest n go vacation...
but....i had no magic wand...xixi~
gud luck 2 u...must get gud result ....promise???ok...
go church at 11.00am...
listen to d sermon...almost sleep....haizzzz....
reach home....take lunch....then on9....2day u teach me new things...
i noe how 2 use ebuddy....
vivien go jogging again....
i slim jor....
u recordmend me to listen 2 '下雨天'
is so gud....
next time i learn n sing 2 u...
take care....
drive carefully....


happy birthday....teck rong....

is teck rong birthday....
v celebrata at kfc....
so happy...
chuan,rong,xiang,heng,kang,finsen,(boys team)
yun,tyan,swan(girls team)
me n tyan so pity~
d boys team use cake to stick on our face...
after tat v go long gai...
kang,chuan,xiang,rong go cc...
me n tyan go long gai...
tat nite's stars were so bright....
but u r d my heart...
reach home at 10.oo hair gt tat cake smell....
took a bath...then said g9 2 u...
tat all ....

Friday, July 10, 2009

vivien has u...

very boring...
wake in d morning...

do homework...
listening 2 d radio...

had lunch...
on9 again...
is so boring...

waiting 4 ur sms...
but u din send in 2 me...
waiting , waiting n waiting...

i read {aurora lover}again...
d story was touchful...
i wish i like her...

may i wish like her?
be a piano princess?
may i???

took a nap...
2nite have 2 play piano at church...
pray God...

miss u ...
I nt yet finish de story...
will u wait 4 me?
