Thursday, July 30, 2009

brave~gal~b prove of urself^^

2day gt my bm n che paper...
nt satisfied....
luckily din fail....
thx god!

2day i scold him...
coz i wan him wake up....
dun b'coz a gal tat...then b'come another person....
wake up!!!!

2day...i'm proud of myself...
y?u noe?
guess wat>...<
i b'come a counselor....

i hope v can b frenz like b4....
can u pls 4give ppl?
pls stop it!
game is over!

i gt some planning.....
i dun 1 tell u ....

when i was taking my nape...
yen call me...
tat crazy gal....
so noisy....i din sleep well tis afternoon....@-@

then go tuition at 5.30pm.... show is last episod....
learn 2 b patient....
learn how 2 spoke well by nt hurting ppl heart....

tis morning....i gt ppl wake me up....
my morning call....
nt my mum....
is my dear....
thx yahx....

2mr our class have 2 take class photo....
i confirm sit in 1st row...
i must b leng leng....
crazy gal....

chat vf dear...
dear cum bek jor....
he din go 2 sku 2mr....coz lazy...
dear....dun b lazy....
must b hardworking....

after msn...
go do revise....
then watch tv....
after tat...go sleep....

c u 2mr...

actually i wish 2 c my dear at sku...
wish he will go....

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