Wednesday, July 22, 2009

busy like a bee....don't give up~

2day din go 2 sku....
coz stay at home study....
slip until 10.ooam only wake up....
take breakfast...i dear mummy bought nasi lamak 4 me....yummy....taste so gud!
then do some homework.....
after revision.....

biologi n history....
so hard 2 memorize.....
abt 1.00pm,i stoped revise,otherwise i will crazy....
next,i played piano... i like written by Beethowen...
his music is so is my life!!!!><

take lunch then watch tv....
2day mummy cooked gud....
later...go tuition at 4.oopm
2day my 2 best frenz(tyan,swan)din go tuition.....they leave me alone....i'm so pity....T_T....i sit b'hind...tat heng....his head is so wonder he is so intellingent....
my tuition teacher(addmath)jux came back from england...thx god he din get H1N1....wakaka~
how bad i'm....

2day oso is xue en's birthday...but i din bought present 4 her jux said happy birthday 2 her....
7.30pm go to choir practise....
reach home abt 9.40pm....
take supple....hungry.....mayb jux now use all my energy to sing...haizzzzz~
chat vf leon.....
cj 2day din on9....coz his internet spoil alr....xixi~
haha^^sing song to u.....

post my new blog....
then go slip....

i wan to enter my garden of dream....
sweet dreams~my dear...
hope my dear can see me in his dear give me a gud nite kisss....

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