Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i'm free...last day...

2mr is last day test....
i like Girl's Generation....
fr korea...
their songs is 9s.....
like them....

i listen 2 d< 你是我的宝贝>ler...
ok....bt i like d chorus....
d meaning is so 9s...
dear...if u free oso listen 2<如果我变成回忆>
oso 9s...

my hp no credit ler...
2day have gud mood....

i like Anna Sui cosmetic....
purple in colour....
my dear have his trial on 1st september...
wish everyone pray 4 him...

tis few days nothing special...
jux keep study...
i wan 2 b a music composer...
dear...will u support me?

tis sunday is tyan birthday....
wat i wan to giv her?
so confused.....
2day morning li xiong...invite me 2 play badminton...bt i din go....coz i dun 1.....
actually is lazy....
xiu....dun tel him....

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